Saturday, October 22, 2005


Today, I enrolled as a MonaVie Associate with Brig Hart and the GLOBAL NetMark Organization.

Global has proven within less than a year, that success and Brig Hart are synonomous within the Network Marketing arena.

Brig has been a leader within the world of direct sales his entire adult life. For the past 25 years, Brig has helped lead sales organizations that have generated over 5 Billion Dollars in total sales volume, stretching around the globe.

Since the launch of MonaVie in January 2005, the GLOBAL NetMark Team has set the pace by becoming the top producing sales organization within the company.

Brig and the GLOBAL NetMark Team, continue to – engrave their marks into the history books at MonaVie.

The Medical and Professional Advisory Board Team of Monarch Health Sciences, as well as the many years of experience and NM Leadership of the Executive Team -- I think is very impressive by most anyones standards.

Having the opportunity to team up with a proven leader in the NM Industry such as GLOBAL NetMark Team and Monavie, may only happen once in a lifetime.

I have never been more confident — that all of the tools to succeed are on the table for anyone who is interested in building a home based business.

What will I do with this opportunity, and what will you and others do with this opportunity?

As many of you, I have also been involved with a few different online business opportunities over the past 5 years. I feel the experience from my past endeavors will be most beneficial in my quest for financial success, with Brig Hart and MonaVie.

Personal growth and education has been occuring during our prior ventures, and that is why we are still here today. I am not willing to surrender to failure.

I know that we have all heard that the road to success is littered with failure.

However, as long as we continue to grow and learn from our pasts, the future is but of our own making.

All The Best!

Jerry G.


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