Wednesday, November 23, 2005

MLM Tools -- What Is What -- Who Is Who -- Part II

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Part II

Prior to us deciding to promote the MonaVie Opportunity -- we at JET Enterprises -- informally spoke to both the Founder-Dallin Larson and Vice President-Henry Marsh of MonaVie.

We directly questioned their opinions on the subject of allowing Independent Field Organizations to promote tools, events, and motivational materials, while capitalizing excessively off of MonaVie's Independent Distributors.

These gentlemen both assured us that they would NOT allow MonaVie to become laiden with the type of tool abuse systems that have been publicized in the MLM Industry over the last few decades.

They also told us, that MonaVie would offer sales and promotional tools, but always at a reasonable fee to cover costs. They seem to be doing just that -- with the "MonaVie The Story" selling for $1.50 on VCD, and "Introducing MonaVie" DVD, for $2.00 as examples. These two videos are also offered online -- free of charge -- to anyone in the world.

Great job Gentlemen!

Interestingly enough, after speaking with Henry Marsh-VP of MonaVie -- about the specific abuses that exist within Am/Quix, he requested that I email him information of the specifics of such tool scandals. Surprisingly, Mr. Marsh -- seemed to be unaware of the specifics -- as related to Amway/Quixtar Motivational Organizations and the controversies surrounding such.

I included links to Qblog, as well as Scott Larsen’s website, along with links to most all of the relevant websites that expose such corruption within the MLM industry.

Am/Quix spoke out in the early eighties and were unable or unwilling to stop the Amway/Quixtar Motivational Organizations = AQMO's of Field Distributor Teams tool businesses.

Side Note ~ How any MLM Corporation prevents Independent Distributor Field Organizations from building tool/motivational systems -- I am not certain.

However, we at JET -- pledge to do our part -- to make the corporation aware, by reporting such abuses when/if we become aware.

Any suggestions -- please post them in the comments.


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