Saturday, December 17, 2005

Promoters, Salesmen, and Recruiters -- OH MY!

As it has been made obvious from my last post -- I most recently traveled cross-country from Florida to Oregon.

On an airplane, for the most part -- you are surrounded by professionals, so the casual conversations flow pretty naturally if you take the time to just say hello.

I really enjoy the air travel experience as related to meeting a broad diversity of people from all walks of life.

There is no mistake about it, I am a promoter/salesman/recruiter and I have a product and business opportunity that I promote -- to earn a living.

We all promote/sell/recruit, no matter what we do.

Even the stay-at-home mom -- promotes/sells/recruits something new -- as part of their daily routines.

Whether it be a new brand of hair products and/or a new designer purse that she recommends to her girlfriends on the phone or at the local neighborhood Bar-B-Q.

Maybe she is recruiting parents input for a new format for teaching children at the PTA meeting or possibly promoting buy-in for a new nutritional product for the school menu. ;-)

The more we learn and share (about any and all topics), the genuine flow the conversation takes -- without coming off as a promotion/sales pitch.

Reading books is how you will improve your ability to talk business.

If you are not reading new books constantly, you are probably finding it difficult to talk business with new people you meet.

In today's marketplace -- totally new technologies are replacing the old -- about every 18 months.

We are no longer able to compete in the market if we are not constantly learning.

I personally enjoy sharing and exploring ideas with people.

"Everyone likes to buy, but no one likes to feel like they are being sold."

The ability to converse strengthens for all of us as we start/continue to increase our reading and staying current with trends and current events. (Very important to get your information from reliable sources.)

For this is why I also believe in this saying;

"You become what you read, what you listen to, and who you hang around."

For me, I find that wellness is a exciting and hot topic on the forefront of peoples minds.

Wellness and improving nutrition is a topic that is easy and enjoyable to integrate into any casual conversation.

These topics are affecting people's daily lives.

Many people do not understand why the no-fat and low-fat diets have failed them.
Side Note~ North Americans as a whole have become more obese in the last several years -- than in any other time in our history. We are dying from more and more from inflammation related diseases such as; Cardio-Vascular Disease, Strokes, Diabetes, and many other life threatening diseases -- which could mostly be prevented by better nutrition and exercise.
This week -- try to engage with someone by simply saying hello and introducing yourself by name. Not as a MonaVie Distributor, but a human being.

Get selling off your mind, and relax.

Enjoy getting to know people regardless of whether they are interested in your product and/or business opportunity.

Allow people to tell you about themselves -- People love to talk about themselves.

If you have any doubts -- pay attention to how much you talk about yourself in your next conversation.

As a good networker, it is imperative to become a good listener.

People are interesting and the more comfortable they are, the more they will share with you -- their wants, needs, and desires.

You will find that by networking with people, that you will make friends that fit into different areas of your life.

People who you meet -- may become fishing buddies, some golf partners, some crocheting friends, some customers, some business partners.

You never know where there will be a possible friendship -- so start introducing yourselves and becoming a friend to others.

By doing so -- you will not be focused on selling and people will ask to buy from you, instead of you asking them for the sale.

Think this article is wordy?

Can you imagine sitting next to me on a cross-country airplane trip? ;-)


P.S. The alter ego of the aggressive marketer in me -- would liked to have had a person wearing a MonaVie Bottle costume traveling with me, to spark interest and conversation. It would have been tough getting through security check-points, I am sure. :-)

Critics have fun with that statement -- LOL ;-)


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