Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Conversation With Brig Hart of Global NetMark -- Conclusion

Track Back Part I

Track Back Part II

I inquired of Brig -- what happens as his organization continues to grow, and the large meetings become like they used to be, with tens of thousands of people in attendance. Charging the fees that were charged at this last event, would add up to millions of dollars of profit being generated, eventually.

I was very encouraged by Brig’s reply which was; “We will reduce the cost of tickets, to make costs more reasonable for the Distributor.”

Brig is a business man, and he is a very successful business man at that.

My perception of Brig’s beliefs -- as related to charging for training is this -- as long as it offers value to the end user -- it is a commodity that is justifiably sold within the Free Enterprise System. Not only does he believe that charging for training is an acceptable business practice -- he also says motivation and training is a must have component that will determine success or failure in any type of business. Therefore, as long as you keep prices reasonable, it is a business within the business and there is no way to build a world-wide sales organization without such systems.

Brig did make it very clear to me -- that he would keep costs reasonable to provide his organization with the latest and most technological advanced training systems available. There is a large investment that one must make in order to build international support systems. Brig also said that he would try and make as much as he possibly can available for free on www.BrigHart.com.

As related to such -- Brig or whomever is providing the training and promotional business support systems must be able to recoup their costs.

Currently Brig hosts several audio links and text training programs -- that make up the Global NetMark Training System.

Unfortunately, we have seen recent proof -- where Bo Short tried do build a Network Marketing Business without any type of meetings and/or professional training systems and was unable to build a sustainable business model.


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