Sunday, November 27, 2005

Conversation With Brig Hart of Global NetMark -- Part II

Track Back Conversation With Brig Hart of Global NetMark -- Part I

The topic of my conversation with Brig Hart, was establishing reasonable profit margins in Network Marketing tools and how they will be marketed through Brig’s field organization -- Global NetMark.

Within the Network Marketing Industry for the last several decades, tools and the problems that surround them has been and continues to be a legitimate concern.

I wanted to know Brigs views and long-term vision -- in terms of tool profits in the MonaVie Product Business centers behind the scenes of a MonaVie Distributorship. I am trusting that Brig has a honest heart, and has witnessed enough of the Amway and/or Quixtar catastrophes that he will stand against any abuses.

I was very candid with Brig in regard to my personal -- anti-tool business philosophy.

Side note~ I am not against tools to build a business. I am against the mammoth profit centers that have devastated this industry. I am specifically against the side businesses, which have been built transparently -- behind the scenes by the kingpins within this industry. Many of the industries biggest sales organizations have amassed huge fortunes from squeezing the life out of the average distributor -- through massive promotion and sales of motivational tools.

Understanding that Brig was raised in Amway, where these systems continue unchecked -- I asked Brig to share his current day, personal views as to what direction he is leading his sales organization into the future.

Brig was very patient with me, and continued answering all of my questions to my satisfaction.

I came right out and asked -- "Where is the money going that comes from his tools." ( i.e., meetings, CD’s, DVD’s, etc.)

Brig told me that so far he has only broke even on his last meeting that was held this month in St Augustine FL. The numbers that he reported attended the paid event, were far less than I imagined. ( The fee was $150.00 for an all-day event at the PGA World Golf Village, including 2 meals or $100 without the 2 meals.)

My comment to Brig, was -- "People aren’t willing to pay to support the systems like we all did in Amway and/or Quixtar. Hopefully everyone has learned their lessons."

I made it clear, that myself as well as others who I have communicated with -- all want to be assured that we are not supporting the growth of those type of profit centers (motivational businesses) that were built in Amway and/or Quixtar.

Stay tuned for the conclusion of -- Coversation With Brig Hart of Global NetMark


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