Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Internet Buzz Phraze -- Relationship Marketing ??

There is a lot of buzz on the Internet about
"Relationship Marketing" pertaining to building
relationships, before trying to make a quick sale.

We will explore on M.O.D.E. the advantages of
networking with others. There are unlimited
possibilities that await us, when we take our minds
off making a sale and focus on lending a helping hand,
to someone in need.

The really neat thing about building online community
through Blogs, Forums, etc. Is that you can develop
real, solid relationships.

As you hang around and become more active -- over
time, you will discover a lot of common interest and
ideas along the way if you remain open and willing to
learn from one another.

Within good content based discussion groups
(communities) there should not be direct selling of
ANYTHING during the discussions.

Quality groups will be sharing "general" information
that can and will provide you with some solid
solutions -- as applied to business or whatever your
interest may be.

Here on M.O.D.E. Blog, we place emphasis on web-based
home businesses, and how to build a sales organization
online. We focus on building a relationship before
pursuing a partnership.

We also discuss why it is best that small business
owners build their businesses with little to no
advertising cost - instead build
customers/distributors through good ole networking.

Please note up-front, we will from time to time be
discussing the fundamentals of building a business. We
are not discussing taking on a job for someone else.

If you choose to build a business, doing so will be
one of the most challenging yet rewarding feats you
will ever attempt your life.

Now, don't over-complicate things, just try and be
persistent and never give up.

When building a business, we are dealing with our
inner abilities to lead and influence others. This can
be an awakening for many people, as they realize that
people are not eager to accept change and come out of
employee mentality.

To adopt new thinking strategies as a business owner
can be more difficult for some than others. Many say
one thing, yet do another.

Keep in mind, that most of us have been trained to
this think a certain way our entire lives. Usually,
most people are taught to be loyal followers, great
employees, etc. The the rules and mentality of a
becoming a business owner is much different from those
of that of an employee and/or follower.

John Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership does
a excellent job of illustrating the steps that a
leader goes through in order to build self and an
organization of any type.

The journey of business ownership can also be very
rewarding as you challenge yourself to grow both
intellectually and emotionally.

All of the posts and comments will be archived and so,
we can use them to share with others in the future.

All comments and questions are encouraged.

We ask that you try and remain polite, and don't take
things personal. Pay attention to the messages, more
so than messengers.

We should try and omit specific names of companies
whenever possible.

The more people engaging here in this conversation,
the more value our Blog becomes, so please don't be
shy, and remember there are no dumb questions or
comments, except the one you didn't post. ;-)


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