Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why Networking Is Different From Selling - Part I

All Network Marketing companies must create retail sales volume to be in compliance with FTC Regulations.

With that said, this article will focus on the "Networking" versus "Selling."

Most Network Marketing distributors that I have had relations with, have one thing in common. Their most influential decision for joining a particular NM Opportunity, was NOT because of -- Compensation Plan or the Product.

What the majority reported -- was that the SPONSOR was their main reason for joining a particular organization.

They "trusted" the person that presented the opportunity and they joined the sponsor.

Therefore there seems to be some topic for discussion;

Why is it that most NM Associates are always looking for the "perfect" marketing system to "pitch" their opportunity?

Why are they taught to have a hyped up sales pitch, to attack people who may be browsing at bookstores, malls, etc?

Why are they taught ot overcome sales objections to when they join a Networking Business?

Why are they taught how to "close" people? If you are looking for a business partner in ANY type of business, do you really want to "close" him?

Here is where I see most people in NM experiencing frustration and confusion.

"I am doing what my upline is instructing me to do, why isn't it working? Why are people running from me, when they see me coming?"


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