Friday, November 11, 2005

What is Network Marketing -- Do I Have to Sell Anything?

I answer some questions from RDPD board;

I see some sites saying that there is no selling, no parties, etc but if network marketing is selling something, don't you have to talk to people to sell? I listened to the PPL video and I heard them saying you get out there and spread the word to get people to subscribe to the service. So this is selling right? is there anyway to have a mlm company without having to be out there and verbally selling your product to people?

“No Selling,” is just another deceitful MLM pitch that attracts some of the vulnerable people that seek to join a home based business and/or Network Marketing business model.

With ANY legitimate business, sales have to be made in order for their to be profits generated. No profits are made until a sale is final -- in ANY legal business model, period.

I don't know if people here have heard of primerica, but i have been stopped my at least 15 people in the last 2 years. Everytime they stop me i'm rolling my eyes in my mind thinking oh no not another one! I don't want to be one of those sales people that people dread stopping them. So I guess i'm asking, is this what mlm is making it probably the wrong business for me? And lastly is mlm and network marketing the same thing? thanks all!

There are many different ways to sell products and many different methods to introduce products/services to the marketplace. Obviously stalking strangers, and cold calling is not effective forms of marketing, as you are clearly pointing out through your experiences.

Multi-Level Marketing simply is a term to describe how the commissions are paid out to the sales force within a given compensation plan. Pay plans in all businesses either pay out on single levels and/or multi-levels.

Network Marketing is simply a term used to describe the methodology of how we should be acquiring customers and or other sales distributors.

When you network with people, meaning hang out with, and contribute something with no strings attached, and no sales pitch, collaborating on ideas -- that is a form of humans networking together.

Networking means to connect with, hopefully as this post is connecting you and I through your questions. Me posting this reply, is a form of networking.

People do business with people who they trust and know --not some stranger with a self-promoting sales pitch. That is why websites do not sell anything per se, and why blogs have become so popular.

Blogs provide a networking environment -- which in turns creates trust, and then marketing occurs on the back end. If you learn how to Network, you will never have to be associated with the typical MLM stigma. As a matter of fact, the better you become at networking, the more difficult is for people to even now you are selling anything. Networking is an art form, and most people in Network Marketing have never been introduced to networking.

Kind of ironic don’t ya think?



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